Friday, October 19, 2012

Buying Business Preparation
It is crucial that you prepare yourself properly and educate yourself for this journey and take the necessary steps to be certain that you make all of the right decisions along the way.

Starting Off Right

It is estimated that 70% of all searches by business buyers are now conducted via the Internet. You must first identify what type of business is right for you and then focus your search accordingly. Take a good look at yourself. What are your strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes? Don't try to be something you're not.
Most people simply don't know what's right for them and that's fine. If this is your predicament, sometimes it's best to start by ruling out all of the businesses you don't want. Next, consider your finances and focus solely upon those that make sense from an investment perspective. With these two criterias alone, you'll be able to whittle down the choices.

Educate Yourself About This Process

Unless you have a wealth of experience buying businesses, it is critical that you acquire the necessary knowledge and information to make this decision. You are going to face an onslaught of decisions throughout this process. Having the knowledge will likely make the entire difference between buying the right business and the wrong one.
It is extremely important to find quality professionals that specialize in business transactions of the size and type you are considering. It is incumbent upon you to take the time to learn what is involved and how to successfully navigate your way to your dream. Think of it this way: if you're going to invest your savings to buy a business; shouldn't you first invest the time to learn how to buy the right one? It's been proven over and over again that well informed, properly prepared buyers acquire good businesses. This is one decision you must get right the first time!

Determine Your Investment Level

Determine with absolute certainty how much of your own cash you are prepared to invest. Don't bother looking at businesses that are unaffordable. Over 80% of small business purchases involve seller financing. Generally, this is 30% to 50% of the purchase price. If you have US$ 100,000 to invest, don't look at businesses that will sell for US$ 200,000.
Also, take the time to sit down with bank loan officers to research all avenues for your financing. They provide all types of loans for entrepreneurs financing a business purchase.

Business Supervisor - Do You Need One?

I am a firm believer in using a business supervisor to help you throughout the process. A good business supervisor can, and will:
  • Provide you with access to a vast database of businesses for sale
  • Walk you through the valuation process
  • Provide you with comparable business valuations
  • Keep the deal moving along when obstacles are encountered
  • Be the bearer of bad news to the seller when necessary
  • Ensure all pertinent documents are assembled for the closing
Your Five Steps to Success

Commit to a deadline for buying a business (not just "looking" for one).
  1. Set aside time every day to work on this project.
  2. Organize your finances.
  3. Work on determining what type of business will thrive from your strengths and not suffer from your weaknesses.
  4. Seek professional advice from a qualified business supervisor.
  5. Unless you have a wealth of experience buying businesses, then educate yourself about this process. Learn as much as you can. When it comes to investing in your future, you can never know too much!

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